Midwest Reproductive Center

Traveling During Fertility Treatment: Is It Doctor Approved?

You see the airline specials and wonder: How soon can I settle in a chaise lounge and steal away from my fertility treatment? In many cases, Dr. Dan Gehlbach will send you off with his best wishes for safe travels. If you are preparing to undergo in vitro fertilization, however, it’s best to stay close to our Kansas City fertility center.

Managing fertility medications is ideally handled close to home. If you must travel during ovarian stimulation, contact us at Midwest Reproductive Center for assistance. You will need to take proactive steps to safeguard your medications, and check with your airline or the TSA for instructions on flying with fertility medication.

Traveling Prior to IUI

One of the most effective and least invasive options for fertility treatment is also the most flexible in terms of travel. Prior to artificial insemination, most women will be free to travel as they wish up to a certain point. Dr. Gehlbach will want to see you in the fertility clinic for sonograms to monitor follicular growth and administer a shot of hCG to trigger ovulation if you are doing an IUI cycle with injectable fertility medications. Once you are in the office for the transfer of sperm,  plan to stay local until the scheduled pregnancy test two weeks later.

Yes, you can travel in the month that IUI takes place if you are not using injectable fertility medications.

Postpone Traveling during IVF

You’ve waited months or even years to get pregnant, and IVF may be your very best chance at getting pregnant. Our IVF page explains what to expect in detail. Essentially, you’ll make frequent visits to Midwest Reproductive Center for blood work and sonograms in the weeks leading up to IVF. Dr. Gehlbach pays very close attention to each patient to ensure that she is not at risk for ovarian hyperstimulation.

No, you should not travel in the month leading up to IVF, or the two weeks after the embryo transfer takes place.

While planning ahead may be tricky, Dr. Gehlbach and his team can provide a timetable for travel prior to fertility treatment. Contact our cycle coordinator for assistance with timing vacations to accommodate IUI and IVF at Midwest Reproductive Center.

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