Midwest Reproductive Center

Embryo Transfer

Understanding Embryo Transfer

Infertility treatment often involves a variety of tests and procedures. Dan Gehlbach MD, the medical director of our Kansas fertility center, wants men and women to feel comfortable as they undergo treatment, which may include in vitro fertilization, or IVF. One critical step in the IVF process is embryo transfer. Our Kansas fertility center primarily utilizes frozen embryo transfer, or FET.

Embryo transfer basics

With IVF, will retrieve your eggs so that they can be fertilized with your partner’s sperm in the laboratory. The resulting embryos grow for several days, in an incubator, which is designed to mimic the natural environment inside your body. Once the embryos reach the appropriate developmental stage, our Kansas fertility center team will typically freeze them.

Fresh versus frozen embryo transfer

In the past, fertility clinics, including our Kansas fertility center, performed fresh embryo transfer on Day 3 or Day 5 after fertilization. However, new evidence suggests that frozen embryo transfer might produce better implantation and pregnancy rates. As a result, Dr. Gehlbach primarily performs frozen embryo transfer.

  • Instead of transferring an embryo three to five days after fertilization, our Kansas fertility center will freeze embryos and wait to perform embryo transfer. When it is time to transfer an embryo, our skilled embryologists will thaw one of your embryos and Dr. Gehlbach will transfer it to your uterus.
  • Fertility medications can impact your body, specifically your uterine lining. One of the goals of frozen embryo transfer is to allow your uterine lining to return to normal before attempting embryo transfer, which increases the likelihood of successful implantation.

As you travel the path to parenthood, Dr. Gehlbach and the team at Midwest Reproductive Center are here to provide support throughout the process, including during embryo transfer. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve a successful pregnancy that results in a healthy baby. Contact our Kansas fertility center for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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