Midwest Reproductive Center

Reproductive solutions in your 20s, 30s and 40s

Our fertility center in Kansas City offers reproductive solutions in your 20s, 30s and 40s 

Infertility affects 10 to 15 percent of all couples, making it one of the most common diseases for people between the ages of 20 and 45.

“One of the most important factors in determining a woman’s reproductive health is age,” says Dr. Dan Gehlbach of Midwest Reproductive Center. “Although each decade presents new challenges, our fertility center in Kansas City offers solutions that allow you to be proactive about your reproductive health at any age.”

Your 20s: You likely won’t need a fertility center in Kansas City during peak reproductive years 

Fertility Challenge: Women are born with all of the eggs they will ever have. As time passes, the number of eggs and their quality begin to decline. Women will experience their first decrease in fertility in their late 20s. There is no way to increase the number of eggs a woman has or to preserve the quality of the eggs that remain in the ovaries. Plus, she will need to embrace a healthy lifestyle and practice safe sex in her 20s to protect her future fertility.

Fertility Solution: There are risk factors other than age that can affect female infertility, including a family history of early menopause, smoking or irregular periods. If these or other conditions exist, now is the time to visit our fertility center in Kansas City. 

Your 30s: Pregnancy chances decrease while risks increase 

Fertility Challenge: By age 30, the chance of becoming pregnant during any given month is approximately 20 percent. This decline becomes more rapid around 35, the age at which pregnancies are now defined as high risk. As egg quality decreases, the chance of having a miscarriage and a baby with chromosomal defects increases.

Fertility Solution: Ovarian reserve testing can help estimate the number and quality of eggs a woman still has. Diminished ovarian reserve could make it more difficult for you to become pregnant.  Methods exist to preserve your fertility now, including freezing eggs or embryos for later use.

Your 40s: Perimenopause can begin

Fertility Challenge: At 40, the chance of becoming pregnant on your own drops to 5 percent. By 45, very few women will have a successful naturally occurring pregnancy. Because the average age of menopause is 51, women in their 40s can begin to experience symptoms of perimenopause, including sporadic periods. As a result, ovulation becomes more difficult to predict and the eggs that remain often do not respond well to fertilization and may have compromised chromosomes. 

Fertility Solution: If you are unable to become pregnant through such assisted reproductive technologies as in vitro fertilization IVF, then egg or embryo donation could be an option.

A natural decline in female fertility can happen much sooner than most women realize. The knowledgeable team at our fertility center in Kansas City can help you be proactive about your reproductive health. If you have not become pregnant after one year of trying with unprotected intercourse (or after six months if you are older than 35), don’t wait. Call Midwest Reproductive Center to set up an appointment today.

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