Midwest Reproductive Center

Fibroid Embolization

Thinking about getting pregnant? Fibroid embolization is not currently recommended for women who want to get pregnant and preserve their fertility

Uterine fibroids can be a factor in infertility in about 5-10% of infertile women. At our Kansas City fertility center, we do a thorough evaluation of each woman to determine what is causing fertility problems, and we will know after our evaluation whether or not fibroids need to be removed. Fibroids can be removed using a fibroid embolization procedure or a minimally invasive surgical procedure called myomectomy.

What is fibroid embolization?

During a uterine fibroid embolization procedure, a radiologist injects polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particle solutions into the uterine arteries. This technique clogs the blood supply that flows to the fibroid, causing the fibroids to shrink in size by 40-50%. While this helps relieve the symptoms caused by the fibroids, it’s not a great idea for women who want to become pregnant.

Another new procedure called Acessa uses radiofrequency ablation technology to destroy fibroids while not affecting surrounding uterine tissue. Clinical trials are underway to study the effectiveness.

Neither of these fibroid embolization procedures is currently recommended for women who want to become pregnant in the future, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.¹

What are my other options if I need to have fibroids removed?

If your fertility evaluation at our Kansas City fertility center indicates that removing fibroids is necessary as part of your fertility treatment, myomectomy is an option. Myomectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove fibroids. The type and location of the fibroids determines the surgical approach.

Our Kansas City fertility center will work with you to find alternative treatment to fibroid embolization. Our goal is your goal—a family. Contact us to find out how we can help you with your fertility problems and fibroids.

Statistic of 5 to 10% of women being affected by fibroids:

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