Midwest Reproductive Center

Can DHEA Help With Female Infertility?

If you are suffering from infertility due to low ovarian reserve, you may be familiar with DHEA.

Over the years DHEA has gained a reputation for being a potent supplement to fertility treatments, but there are still questions about whether the reality lives up to the hype. Dr. Dan Gehlbach at Midwest Reproductive Center addresses frequently asked questions about DHEA and infertility.

What is DHEA?

DHEA is a hormone produced by your body’s adrenal glands.  It acts as a precursor to the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, both of which are present in the female body and essential for the production of healthy oocytes (eggs).  DHEA production diminishes over time, and so it’s no surprise that women who suffer from low ovarian reserve have lower levels of naturally occurring DHEA in their bodies.

What’s the verdict on DHEA?

For several years, it has been thought that taking a DHEA supplement during IVF can increase the chances of a successful conception.  While DHEA may have some scientifically backed benefits to your overall health, don’t be too quick to believe all of the claims regarding DHEA’s ability to assist with fertility.  Recent research has raised questions on the efficacy of DHEA supplementation for fertility.  While past research into the use of DHEA with fertility treatments has suggested that the hormone might have a positive impact on conception, it should be noted that a good deal of the research was performed on mice.  For the trials conducted on humans, the sample sizes were often too small to be scientifically compelling.

Few significant negative side effects have been found with DHEA supplementation, but when it comes to increasing female fertility, no significant benefit has been found, either.

The question of the efficacy of DHEA on fertility is a reminder that there are no scientifically proven alternate or herbal treatments for serious cases of infertility.  The physiological reasons behind infertility, such as blocked tubes, diminished eggs or hormonal imbalances, can only be remedied through medical treatment by a proven fertility specialist.

Contact Midwest Reproductive Center

You don’t need to give up on your dream of a happy family.  If you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, Dr. Dan Gehlbach at Midwest Reproductive Center can help.  Midwest Reproductive Center provides cutting-edge, comprehensive care. Dr. Gehlbach and his associates have years of proven experience diagnosing and treating both male and female infertility.  If you are having trouble conceiving, call Midwest Reproductive Center today to make an appointment for a complete fertility evaluation.

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